The Solving for Why Decision Framework


  1. Select the decision framework you would like to use.
  2. Select the number of jobs you want to compare.
  3. Select the number of scenarios you want to compare (Best / Worst, or Best / Middle / Worst).
    1. Best / Worst, or
    2. Best / Middle / Worst
  4. Input the job scores you obtained from the Values Mixing Board exercise.
    1. You can input these scores either by typing them into the boxes, or by moving the sliders next to the boxes.
    2. Remember, scores are between 0 and 100, where 100 is the best.
  5. If you're using a probability or regret framework, input the probabilities of the outcomes.
    1. You can input these probabilities either by typing them into the boxes or by moving the sliders next to the boxes.
    2. To make sure that probabilities add up to 100%, the tool will automatically calculate the final probability for you.
  6. Once all the numbers are in, click the Calculate button! Your recommendation will show up at the bottom of the screen.
  7. If you need to reset the numbers for any reason, click the Reset button.
  8. Once you get your first recommendation, feel free to play around with other scenarios!

That's it! Ready to figure out your next step? Click on Start Exercise and let's do this!