Dr. Mark Shrime is one of the most remarkable humans I’ve ever met. I knew he’d write a wonderful book—I just didn’t expect to dog ear every page and underline so many wonderful thoughts that he puts so well onto the page.

Dana Perino, New York Times bestselling author of Everything Will Be Okay

I am not sure if I have ever read a book where the author was willing to bare their soul as completely as Dr. Mark Shrime does in this remarkable book. By sharing his life’s complicated journey, he will (or at last should) inspire the rest of us to take a good look at the 'moving sidewalk' of our own lives and figure out if we are going the right direction. I needed and appreciated this push."

Jean Becker, New York Times bestselling author of The Man I Knew

As I read, unable to put this compelling book down, I heard my heart echoing thoughts and questions that arose out of the pages. I discovered in each page a profound perspective and a provoking transparency. I will read it again and again."

Barclay Stockett, American Ninja Warrior