Reframing your calling
Mark Shrime Mark Shrime

Reframing your calling

For those people in identity professions, transition often comes with a familiar dysequilibrium: 'I’m good at this, and I hate it.'

Research shows that our calling can evolve alongside the work we do. A surgeon’s precision may find new expression in process optimization, just as another’s quick decision-making can find new life in algorithm development.

Calling isn’t a cage—it’s a compass. Identity isn’t fixed. It flows, carrying your values into ever-changing contexts.

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The science of starting over
Mark Shrime Mark Shrime

The science of starting over

We've all got that friend. The one who's decisive as hell in part of his life-but couldn't choose a salad dressing if that life depended on it.

Let's talk about that friend, because not only is their way of living a fascinating peek under the hoods of our brains, but it also exposes one of the subtle ways our brains keep us stuck in the status quo.

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Who am I without my white coat?
Mark Shrime Mark Shrime

Who am I without my white coat?

Being a surgeon was my identity. For five years, ninja warrior had also become an identity.

Now that I no longer did those, who was I without them?

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It’s never the right time. Here’s how to know when to act anyway
Mark Shrime Mark Shrime

It’s never the right time. Here’s how to know when to act anyway

Sarah sat across from me, twisting her wedding ring. "I know I need to leave," she said, "but the timing isn't right. The kids are still in school, the market is uncertain, and..." She trailed off, her voice heavy with the weight of an impossible decision.

Literally 15 years later, she still hasn't left. She now owns a home in the country with the person she wanted to leave. She's as unhappy as she was 15 years ago—except now she's even more stuck in.

Sarah is one of the most talented people I've ever met. A preternaturally good cook whose talents are spent on a partner who'd literally prefer to eat a box of Cheez-Its (I'm not making this up). A brilliant chemist who consistently thwarts her own advancement because she's waiting for the "right time" to take the risk, to make the jump, to ask for the raise, to start her own company—to, basically, do anything besides what she's been doing for the last two decades.

My guess? You've got your own version of Sarah's story.

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Pro-con lists suck
Mark Shrime Mark Shrime

Pro-con lists suck

If you’re using pro-con lists to make big decisions, it’s no wonder you’re stuck. Using them is a little like trying to take out someone’s tonsils with hernia instruments.

Read on for what you should be doing instead!

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Here’s why your brain hates change
Mark Shrime Mark Shrime

Here’s why your brain hates change

Ever felt that nagging sensation that it's time for a career change, even when everything looks perfect on paper? Your instincts aren't wrong; they're backed by neuroscience.

Through the lens of Construal Level Theory, this blog post dive into why career transitions feel so impossibly difficult: your brain literally processes near-term and long-term futures in fundamentally different ways.

Drawing from both cutting-edge psychological research and real-world emergency medicine experiences, you'll discover why traditional decision-making tools fail during career transitions, and how to transform this cognitive tension into your greatest advantage.

Learn the Temporal Distance Mapping technique - a framework that bridges the gap between abstract career aspirations and concrete next steps. Whether you're contemplating a bold career pivot or seeking to understand your decision paralysis, this evidence-based guide transforms complex neuroscience into actionable insights.

Stop fighting your brain's natural wiring and start using it to make career decisions with unprecedented clarity and confidence.

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The Anatomy of a Good Decision
Mark Shrime Mark Shrime

The Anatomy of a Good Decision

A simple, seven-step framework I’ve developed to do make the hardest decisions in life with confidence. It comes from the principles of decision science, a field I’ve spent all my research life in.

And it’s deeply personal: I’ve used it myself to make literally hundreds of life decisions—from jobs to relationships to moving to new cities.

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Your fear is your superpower
Mark Shrime Mark Shrime

Your fear is your superpower

My hands look steady. They place each suture where it’s supposed to go. They thankfully don’t betray me when the scrub nurse puts scissors in them. 

Inside, my chest is crushed in a vice. My breathing is shallow. And my brain roils worse than a ship in the Bay of Biscay.

That day, my patient’s face wide open on the operating table in front of me, I learned to love fear, failure, and anxiety.

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Unfinished business, and why your brain won’t let it go.
Mark Shrime Mark Shrime

Unfinished business, and why your brain won’t let it go.

You feeling the holiday overwhelm yet?

Yeah. Me too.

It gets worse at the holidays, that nagging sensation that important tasks are slipping through the cracks... because your mind is so dang full of unfinished business.

The emails. The work tasks. The holiday shopping. Everything you've got to get done before the new year!

Let’s dig into the fascinating neuroscience behind this—and how to use it to hack your own mental performance

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The dumbest decision I ever made (and the Nobel Prize that explains it)
Mark Shrime Mark Shrime

The dumbest decision I ever made (and the Nobel Prize that explains it)

I know exactly when I ruined my life.

A touch overdramatic, yeah, but stick with me, because this story — about a single moment in Singapore 27 years ago — might also explain why you’re stuck in a job you hate, why you’re still living in a city that doesn’t set your soul on fire, or why you haven’t started that business or written that book or launched that podcast.

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Risk and its discontents
Mark Shrime Mark Shrime

Risk and its discontents

About 8 years ago, I first stepped on the American Ninja Warrior course. An obsession was born, one that lasted until a bad knee injury (and, let’s be honest, becoming more than twice as old as the most successful competitors) took me out of competition.

Getting into ninja warrior was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. The sport pits you against obstacles that are three times your size, suspended sixteen feet above a shallow pool that’s the only safety net you have.

It was risky as heck.

And it changed my life.

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Cognitive Bias #4: Loss Aversion
Mark Shrime Mark Shrime

Cognitive Bias #4: Loss Aversion

After I lost my 20-year-old cat, Max, a friend of mine—someone who cares deeply for me, despite how callous this next line might sound—said,

This is why I never want pets. Getting a pet always means you’re automatically signing up for grief.

In this week’s post, I explore that line—why it makes sense, why we’re so averse to loss.

And why that leads to worse decisions

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Cognitive biases #3: Anchoring
Mark Shrime Mark Shrime

Cognitive biases #3: Anchoring

A few years ago, my friend Chris, a doctor, faced a lawsuit—which, well, he didn’t win. In this week’s post, we dig into why that was, how his brain sabotaged him, and how you can recognize that same sabotage in your own life.

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Cognitive Biases #2: The Availability Bias

Cognitive Biases #2: The Availability Bias

Are you always applying for (and leaving) the same jobs? Do you always date the same kinds of people, eat at the same restaurants, and find yourself stuck in patterns that don't always serve you?

It's not you; it's your brain sabotaging you. This week's post talks about how, and how to get around it.

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